Chemical Peels in Beverly Hills
Facial Peel Treatments
The use of chemical peels to beautify skin has been around since ancient times. Cleopatra used to bathe in goats milk, whereas the women in Rome rubbed fermented grape skins from the bottom of wine barrels to enhance their skin’s beauty. Unknowingly, they were benefiting lactic acid and tartaric acid, common alpha hydroxy acids still used in cosmetics today. Chemical peel treatments are time tested, tried and true powerful treatments that are designed for a variety of different skin conditions.
Chemical peels can effectively resurface and refresh the skin by diminishing the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, sun damage, enlarged pores, hyperpigmentation and acne scars. Chemical peels are used for various skin concerns across all ages, and are often combined with other skin-enhancing treatments depending on the skin condition being treated.
Types of peels
There are a myriad of peels available to choose from today. Chemical skin peels can range from superficial to medium or deep. Superficial peels are generally recommended in a series of peel sessions, spaced a month apart, but can also be performed as a single treatment as a “refresher”. However, a single treatment will not have the lasting power of what a series can achieve. The advantage of a superficial peel is that it allows you to return to your regular activities immediately with just some mild redness. Medium peels can be a single treatment or as part of a session, whereas a deep peel is in generally a one time treatment. The deeper the peel, the more dramatic the corrective result. However, the deeper the peel the longer it takes to recover and the more downtime is involved.
Your unique skin type and skin condition will be evaluated, and type of peel tailored to your desired outcome. The number of sessions and type of peel and depth required to achieve desired results is discussed during your consultation with Dr. Edween. Depending on your skin needs, Dr. Edween will select the peel or if needed compound her own formula to meet your individual skin needs. Dr. Edween will compound her own formula to meet your individual skin needs. Dr. Edween has a vast knowledge at treating all types of skin and conditions and has educated other physicians in working with chemical peels. Her expertise on chemical peels is published in the book Nonsurgical Periorbital Rejuvenation.
Please feel free to contact the office of Dr. Julie Edween if you are interested in a chemical peel for skin rejuvenation and you would like to schedule a consultation. Dr. Edween is dedicated to serve patients in Beverly Hills, Hollywood, and greater Los Angeles, California. You can get started by calling us at (310) 859 8885 today.
For more information about having chemical peels in Beverly Hills California with Dr Julie Edween contact us today.