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Why Some Patients Seek Out Revision Rhinoplasty

If a patient isn’t satisfied with the outcome of their rhinoplasty, a revision rhinoplasty is a rewarding procedure that can achieve the desired results or functionality that they didn’t get from their original surgery. It is an intricate and specialized procedure that requires a knowledgeable and experienced surgeon. There are several reasons patients may want revision rhinoplasty.

A Post-Operative Complication

Revision rhinoplasty is a technically complex surgery that has the potential for undesirable outcomes. 

The nose is a delicate balance between form and function and they are so closely related that changes to those areas may affect each other.  A procedure done to correct its shape could end up causing breathing difficulties, or a procedure done to correct breathing difficulties could end up creating a displeasing nasal shape.  If you have had a previous rhinoplasty and are dissatisfied, then you could be a candidate for a revision to address your concerns.

An Undesired Result

Patients often decide to get revision rhinoplasty because they’re not happy with the result of their first rhinoplasty.  There is wide number of reasons to consider a revision:

  • Primary rhinoplasty dissatisfaction
  • Difficulty breathing, obstructive breathing
  • Nasal asymmetries
  • Previous injury or trauma, or subsequent injury compromising results
  • Previous traumatic scarring, improper healing with scarring
  • Cartilage memory causing nose to shift back to original shape
  • Too much cartilage was removed or cartilage grafts displaced
  • Not enough bone or cartilage was removed
  • The nose has healed improperly with scarring and deformity

Considerations for Revision Rhinoplasty

If your primary rhinoplasty procedure has resulted in an undesirable outcome for any of the reasons listed above, you may be a good candidate for revision rhinoplasty. 

Whether your concern is of a functional or cosmetic nature, you should wait at least one year before considering an additional procedure to ensure your nose has fully healed and swelling has completely subsided.

Most patients don’t want their original surgeon to correct their first rhinoplasty so they opt for a new surgeon to give them a better outcome.  It’s important to recognize that plastic surgeons aren’t always to blame for unsuccessful rhinoplasty. Outside factors are always in play.  Your surgeon has control of their precise technique; however, the healing process cannot be controlled completely.  It is important to outline your expectation goals with your surgeon so a treatment plan and realistic outcome can be discussed.

Where To Get Revision Rhinoplasty

Dr. Julie Edween is a board-certified facial plastic surgeon and has a background specialty in facial plastic surgery. She has the qualifications and experience to perform such a delicate procedure, is sensitive to the emotional concerns of her patients, and is a top cosmetic surgeon in Beverly Hills. If you’re interested in a revision rhinoplasty in Beverly Hills, schedule a consultation with us today to find out what we can do for you.

Julie Edween